Advanced training - Workshops by Kris Attard

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In Advanced, besides moving to more advanced concepts of energy and life, and new techniques, you also vastly expand the level and scope at which you can measure energy. thanks to the Human Archetype Ruler and the Sub-Planes. This will literally take your explorations of the invisible world into new dimensions. Based on Dr.Karim's deciphering of a template encoded in the Egyptian temple walls relating to the archetype of the human being at spiritual levels, this advanced tool allows you to measure the energy of anything, from a person or a space to an organ or a chakra, either generically or at a particular Plane pr Sub-plane of Nature.
Advanced tools open advanced possibilities
Besides the Human Archetype Ruler, the Advanced training works with many new tools, including;
the Dial, which enables the introduction of quality of angle into any situation
the Material Balancing Wheel by which you can fill a place with BG3 remotely
the Hemberg Emitter, idea for intercepting and harmonizing sources of toxic emissions
the Brain Stands for synergising left and right brain functions
the BG28 disk, an extremely potent method of energetic clearing

Powerful new techniques
Naturally, there are many powerful new techniques that you will learn in Advanced, including
heal with quality of number using Biosignatures
balance energy in the sub-planes of our being
help clear subconscious energy blocks
harmonic dimensions so anything you design with them has BG3, now also on Excel
connect a 3D power spots grid to the sky
body positions and sounds for opening chakras
energetically cleanse anything with a method whose origins date back to the once secret Egyptian temple sciences
Advanced Training opens the way
This training is an important step because you will become eligible to train as a BioGeometry BG-EHS Practitioner, and if you wish, licensed to energetically balance client's homes with BioGeometry, a service which is rewarding for both sides as it will have tremendous impact on their level of well bein. You will also be able to attend Special Topics conferences organised by the founder Dr. Karim, in which he discusses specialised or more advanced aspects.
You have discovered the powerful possibilities BioGeometry opens up, Advanced Training will take you even further and open more doors for you!

Advanced Training is available both as live 5-day training organised in different countries, or as an online training. See Calendar for schedule of both types of courses.

Download online BioGeometry Advanced Training brochure. The Advanced is currently also being taught as as an online training, . See Calendar for details ofmy next Advanced Training.

(+356) 9944 4106
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